As a not-for-profit consumer co-operative, members are central to our success. Buying a membership is a form of investment and participation in the Seasoned Spoon cooperative. It represents the support of our mission, principles, and mandate as a not-for-profit community-based organization. By becoming a member, you become a part-owner of the Seasoned Spoon for the duration of the school year, which presents you with a number of benefits and opportunities, including:
● Members receive a 10% discount on all items in the cafe. Student memberships are paid off after buying approximately 6 meals!
● Members are entitled–and encouraged–to participate in the organization, which could include attending our AGM or member meetings, voting for our board of directors, attending board meetings, and having your voice heard.
● Becoming a member also enables you to participate in the day-to-day operation of the Spoon by volunteering, joining our board, or applying to work at the Spoon. All members receive monthly newsletter updates about events, workshops, specials, and activities in the cafe.
Read more about our co-operative structure here.
The cost for a single membership for the school year is $10 for students/unwaged and $20 for staff/waged.
How do I get one?
Memberships are available for purchase in the café. We’re open from 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday while classes are in session. Come on by and get yours today!